n 659 GUE*, the Kingdom of Quendor was relatively small, encompassing seven-and-a-half provinces on the western shore of the Great Sea, an agrarian land whose major products were rope and mosquito netting. It was the thirty-first year of the reign of Zilbo ⅠⅠⅠ, part of a dynasty dating back more than six centuries to Entharion the Wise, the first King of Quendor. However, that dynasty was about to end with the ascension of Duncanthrax to the throne of Quendor on the final day of 659.
Little is known about what became of Zilbo after 659. Some say he was killed during a palace revolt, or simply died from too much reveling while celebrating the upcoming New Year. There is evidence that he was exiled to a villa where he invented the card game Double Fanucci.
Likewise, historians disagree about Duncanthrax’s life prior to 659. A petition signed by palace guards in 657, asking for an increase in the mosquito netting allotment, bears a signature that looks suspiciously like Duncanthrax.
Some historians insist that Duncanthrax was general of the Royal Militia. One legend even suggests that Duncanthrax was a demon who assumed human form. Another legend describes him as a former rope salesman.
Whatever his origins, Duncanthrax quickly developed a reputation for cruelty, bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness, thus earning himself the nickname The Bellicose King.
He raised a tremendous army and began a systematic conquest of the neighboring kingdoms. Within three years, Duncanthrax ruled an empire that controlled virtually all the land between the Great Sea and the Kovalli Desert.
An ancient villa on the outskirts of Mithicus, similar to the one where Zilbo may have lived in exile.
* Adding GUE
after a year did not become common practice until the latter part of the eighth century.
n 665, the forces of Duncanthrax vanquished the Antharian Armada at the famous battle of Fort Griffspotter. The island-nation of Antharia was, at the time, the world’s premier sea power, and this victory gave Duncanthrax undisputed control of the Great Sea and put the superb ship-building facilities of Antharia at his disposal. (The conquest of Antharia also gave Duncanthrax possession of Antharia’s famed granola mines. Unfortunately, no one in Quendor liked granola.)
Within months, Quendor’s navy was returning from voyages with tales of a magical land on the distant eastern shore of the Great Sea. Duncanthrax was incensed that this vast land existed outside his dominion, and spent many nights storming the halls of his castle bellowing at his servants and advisors. Then, one day, he had a sudden inspiration: assemble a huge fleet, cross the Great Sea and conquer the lands on the eastern shore. Not only would he extend his empire, but he’d finally have a market for all that useless granola.
As Duncanthrax’s invasion swept across the new lands, he made a startling discovery: huge caverns and tunnels, populated by gnomes, trolls and other magical races, all of whom loved granola. Even as Duncanthrax conquered this region, his imagination was inspired by this natural underground formation. If these caverns and tunnels were possible in nature, so might they be formed by humans! Duncanthrax realized that by burrowing into the ground he could increase the size of his empire fivefold or even tenfold!
The Frobozz Magic Construction Company (the forerunner of the modern industrial giant FrobozzCo International) was formed to undertake this project in 668. For the remaining 20 years of Duncanthrax’s reign, cavern-building continued at a breakneck pace. The natural caverns in the eastern lands were expanded tremendously, and new caverns and passages were dug in the western lands, chiefly in the vicinity of Duncanthrax’s castle, Egreth. By the time of his death in 688, Duncanthrax ruled virtually all territory in the known world, above and below ground.
In 666, Duncanthrax’s navy returned from its expedition to the eastern shore of the Great Sea with tales of a magical underground civilization (left) and giant red x’s (right).
These pie charts show the fiscal priorities of the Empire under three kings who ruled centuries apart: Bozbo ⅠⅤ, Duncanthrax and Dimwit Flathead.
fter Duncanthrax, the throne was occupied by a long series of his descendants. These were unspectacular rulers, who took on the surname Flathead, for obscure reasons not necessarily related to the planar shape of their pates. During this period, there was very little change in the Empire, as the conquered kingdoms were assimilated into Quendor and the frantic pace of tunneling gradually abated.
In 770, nearly a century after the death of Duncanthrax, his great-great-grandson, Dimwit Flathead, assumed the throne. Lord Dimwit, as he liked to be called, was a colorful character, but was also the single worst ruler the Empire ever produced. His vanity was surpassed only by his outrageous sense of proportion. For example, his coronation took 13 years to plan (and therefore took place two-thirds of the way through his reign), lasted an additional year and a half, and cost 12 times the Empire’s GNP.
Dimwit was the first king to call Quendor The Great Underground Empire,
and within a few years the new name had completely displaced the older one. Dimwit also renamed the Great Sea the Flathead Ocean.
and seemed to prefer the newer lands on the eastern shore. He even moved the Empire’s capital from Egreth (in the westlands) to Flatheadia (in the eastlands).
While Dimwit certainly inherited Duncanthrax’s ambition and ingratiating personality, he directed them in a somewhat less productive fashion. Whereas Duncanthrax used his power to expand his empire, Dimwit was motivated to realize his bizarre whims. Raising the kingdom’s tax rate to just over 98%, Dimwit began a series of grandiose projects that soon earned him the title Flathead the Excessive.
Among these projects: the construction of mammoth Flood Control Dam Number Three (a massive edifice with virtually no useful purpose, since it never rains underground), the creation of the Royal Museum (to house the crown jewels), the defoliation of four hundred thousand acres of lush forest (to erect a nine-bloit-high statue of himself in the Fublio Valley) and the production of the enormous granola smelters of Plumbat.
Just before his death in 789, Flathead was rumored to be planning his greatest dream: the creation of a new continent in the center of the Flathead Ocean. The outline and contours of the new continent would have been a gigantic reproduction of his own visage.
This time line shows the dates of some of the events that shaped the history of The Great Underground Empire. Cultural events are listed above the time line and political events are listed below.
Lord Dimwit erected a nine-bloit-high statue of himself to lend credence to the Royal motto, A truly great ruler is larger than life.
Although Dimwit was certainly the most flagrantly indulgent ruler in the history of The Great Underground Empire, most of the Flatheads who followed him did their best to uphold the tradition of excessiveness. The high level of taxation continued, although the money was increasingly spent not on massive construction projects but on extravagant parties and long vacation trips for members of the Royal Family.
In 883, after countless years of decadence and over-taxation, The Great Underground Empire collapsed, the Royal Treasury was sacked and everyone moved somewhere else.
The Entharion Dynasty | The Flathead Dynasty | ||
Entharion the Wise | 0–41 | Duncanthrax the Bellicose | 659–688 |
Mysterion the Brave | 41–55 | Belwit the Flat | 688–701 |
Zylon the Aged | 55–398 | Frobwit the Flatter | 701–727 |
Zilbo Ⅰ | 398–423 | Timberthrax Flathead | 727–738 |
Bozbo Ⅰ | 423–429 | Phloid Flathead | 738–755 |
Zilbo ⅠⅠ | 429–451 | Mumberthrax Flathead | 755–770 |
Harmonious Fzort | 451–477 | Dimwit Flathead | 770–789 |
Bozbo ⅠⅠ | 477–481 | Loowit Flathead | 789–813 |
Thaddium Fzort | 481–545 | Duncwit Flathead | 813–843 |
Mumbo Ⅰ | 545–569 | Barbawit Flathead | 843–845 |
Bozbo ⅠⅠⅠ | 569–575 | Idwit Oogle Flathead | 845–881 |
Bozbo ⅠⅤ | 575–619 | Wurb Flathead | 881–883 |
Mumbo ⅠⅠ | 619–628 | ||
Zilbo ⅠⅠ | 628–659 |
This table shows the rulers of Quendor, later known as The Great Underground Empire, through its collapse in 883 GUE.